Press overview

Jun. | 16 | 2023

"No blockchain no gain. New need for trust on the web" - Härting Podcast

In episode 39, Stephan Noller is Härting's guest and talks about the Calliope mini project he initiated, which can now be found in many schools, and about our trust platform, which can create and store blockchain-based certificates.

Apr. | 25 | 2023

NGDA develops new digital service offering

In the course of the year, there should be a standardized solution for digital continuing education certificates. The Netzgesellschaft Deutscher Apotheker (NGDA) has now joined forces with the companies HMM Deutschland and Ubirch to develop such a service offering.

Feb. | 9 | 2023

„Wir sind der Daten-TÜV“

Ubirch prüft digitale Daten, um Schummeleien etwa bei CO2-Zertifikaten zu verhindern. Würde Profi Nina Mayer investieren?

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