IoT solutions for
Logistics & Supply
Chain Management
The pressure on the logistics industry is growing. Due to global changes, warehouse automation and customer’s increased e-commerce expectations, the requirements for the optimization of complex supply chains have grown steadily. Thanks to IoT applications, in the future logistics solutions can be made more efficient, flexible, and transparent. But they will only be successful if supply chain partners have complete faith in underlying data.
The UBIRCH solution makes just that possible. Complex supply chain data is anchored in the blockchain in a tamper-proof manner. Unmanipulable, unalterable, it provides a solid basis upon which supply chain participants can communicate with their supply chain partners in real time and transparently transmit and use trustworthy data and documents. This enables logistics service providers to use the data transfer capabilities of their IoT applications to their full potential.
Track & Trace
Whether it is parcels, containers or complete shiploads, in logistics, the clear identification of deliveries plays an important role in determining shipment statuses, transport routes or the turnaround times of load carriers. The UBIRCH solution guarantees the trustworthiness of time and location information and provides intelligent Tracking and Tracing systems with the ability to anchor the sensitive data from all those involved in the process securely and verifiably in the blockchain. The advantages are continuous transparency in the logistics chain, leaner coordination processes and a more efficiently designed supply chain.
Supply Chain
From the field to the table, from the seed to the finished product. Increasingly informed consumers are attaching importance to trustworthy documentation on the food they consume. For complex supply chains and interlinked networks involving businesses such as seed producers, farmers, suppliers, and traders, UBIRCH can product traceability through verifiable and block-chain secured data completely transparent. Time, location and process data are merged into verifiable and tamper-proof data sets.
Stephan Noller, founder and CEO of UBIRCH, speaks at the Logistics Summit 2021 on why cybersecurity plays a special role in a multi-stakeholder context like logistics.(DE)
Cold Chain, Hot Chain, Don't Shake-Chain, Low UV-Chain, X-Chain. A large number of sensitive goods, especially in the food, pharmaceutical or chemical industries, require special conditions during shipment. Upon delivery the recipient must be sure that all the conditions have been met. Sensor data can make this information transparent with the UBIRCH solution making it tamper-proof. This is because data from everyone involved in the transport route is anchored in the blockchain, making it verifiable and trustworthy at all times. The UBIRCH solution can be implemented on pre-existing sensors, trackers or simply and implemented without having to rely on a uniform platform.
Case study
Food tracking with BayWa Global Produce
Cutting out time and costs in fresh fruit logistics with SIGNiT®
Food logistics has very special requirements as speed is essential due to the fact that goods may go off if there is a delay in delivery. This may also be the case if the temperature or other conditions get out of the specified range during transportation. For some foodstuffs, there is even a risk of fraud if goods are replaced with similar items, e.g. with food of poorer quality or from another place of origin. Further, as fruit is sourced globally, several national and international laws and rules have to be considered. In Germany, for instance, there is a new supply chain law (“Lieferketten Gesetz”) with several requirements and specifications relating to food. Together with our partners Giesecke+Devrient (G+D) and Lufthansa Industry Solutions (LHIND), we have developed a solution for this.
You can download the case study free of charge from our partner G+D

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